Complex™ Neurospecs


Want to fall asleep easier, enjoy quality sleep and wake up full of energy in the morning? Red glasses are one of the most effective strategies to improve your sleep quality - just put them on 90-120 minutes before bedtime. Try Complex™ Neurospecs red glasses and see the difference for yourself!

Blue-light blockers

Why should you use blue-light blocking glasses?
  1. 😴 Easier to fall asleep: by blocking blue light 90-120 minutes before bedtime, red glasses promote the production of the sleep hormone (melatonin), reduce the production of the stress hormone (cortisol) and thus make it easier to fall asleep.

  2. 🛏 Improved sleep quality: Easier falling asleep, deeper sleep, and less night waking makes for a much higher quality sleep!

  3. 🔋 More morning energy: wearing red glasses before bed is essential for mornings full of energy. If you expose yourself to blue light before bed (don't wear glasses), you're shifting the production of morning "energizing" hormones that don't wake you up and make it very difficult to get out of bed.

  4. 👀 Eye protection: High intensity blue light can damage the retina with prolonged exposure. Red goggles protect your eyes from artificial blue light, reducing eye fatigue and protecting their long-term health.

  5. 🧬 Health support: red glasses promote the production of the most powerful antioxidant in the human body - melatonin. Low melatonin production is associated with a number of health complications.

How do anti-blue light glasses work?

The mechanism of action of red glasses is very simple - they block blue light before going to sleep, which does not reach the retina. Why is this important? Blue light was only present during the day until 1879 (the invention of the light bulb). Life on planet Earth thus evolved under constant light conditions → day = blue light, night = darkness.

With the advent of artificial lighting, however, a reversal has occurred - blue light is present even during the night! However, the signal it gives to the body is still the same → "It's daytime and I need to have enough energy." Exactly the opposite signal you want to give your body at bedtime.

If you don't respect the natural light conditions that life has been accustomed to over millions of years of evolution, fatigue, lack of energy, decreased performance, and declining health - both physical and mental - result. A prime example is night shift workers, who have this regime thrown out of whack more than anyone else - they therefore suffer a higher risk of cancer, obesity and other health complications.

Sources of blue light that we want to eliminate at bedtime are cell phones, televisions, laptops, refrigerators, LED lighting, street lights, etc.

The easiest way to eliminate blue light before bed is to wear red glasses 90-120 minutes before you go to bed. Wearing glasses will help you fall asleep better and achieve a higher quality of sleep, which will have a positive effect on your morning energy levels and your overall health.

Thus, red glasses are one of the easiest and most effective steps you can take towards better health.

Complex™ Neurospecs

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. For example, as this systematic review of 2021 studies has shown, given the well-known mechanism of action of these glasses, they are effective for promoting sleep quality. Just put them on 90-120 minutes before bedtime!

Blue-light blocking glasses should be worn 90-120 minutes before bedtime.

Yes, that's what glasses are for! So you can comfortably use all the technology without disturbing your sleep rhythm.

No, definitely don't sleep with your glasses on, take them off right before bed. Just make sure the room is completely dark before you take your glasses off (you shouldn't be able to see the outline of the furniture clearly) and then don't turn on the lights or look at the monitors/phone.

No, blue light blocking glasses are only designed to be worn 90-120 minutes before bedtime.